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School events

Art Gallery 2024

Doves Class, winning the reading miles Challenge. 2024

Doves Class ,had a wonderful afternoon doing various art activities, painting pebbles, Mosaics, Mono printing and Planet paintings. 

Guide Dog Visit

Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming some special visitors into school! All classes were able to learn about the work that Guide Dogs do, see a guide dog in action and find out about what they can do to help to make sure Guide Dogs can continue their incredible work for those with visual impairments.

Take a look at some photos of the experience here, read letters written by Crows Class and please consider sponsoring your child to participate in our upcoming Fund Race using this link. Thank you!

Hinduism day

Numbers day

Art Gallery

Big Me Day!

Buddhism day - 07/11/22

Aspirations Day, Summer 2022

The Robins talked about what they wanted to be when they grow up and we made these pictures. It's like looking into the future! 


Inspired by our visitors on Aspirations Day, Kestrels Class wrote about their ambitions: what they want to be as they grow older. 

Hawks were inspired by the visitors and this is the careers they would like to do.

Hawks asked some great questions and had fun working out what our visitors did for their jobs!

We had a great time asking our visitors lots of questions about their careers.

Key Stage 2 Sports Day - Wednesday 22nd June 2022

The Queen's platinum Jubilee 2022.

World Book Day 2022

Judaism Day - 02/03/22.
