Class Letters
Pyjama Day
In aid of supporting children with Cancer we wore our pyjamas today and raised lots of money for charity.
We used our threading skills to thread wool through holes on a love heart template.
Number Day
As part of Number Day we took part in many Maths activities and wore Maths related tops.
Today was a windy day so we took some bubble wands outside to see what happened. When the wind was a little blustery we did not have to wave the wands but when it was calmer we had to. We also looked at a nearby weathervane to see what way the wind was blowing. The wind was blowing south west.
Den Building
As part of our Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Whilst working as a team to build the den we were seeing what shapes we could see on the den.
Bird Watching Week
As part of bird watching week we made some bird feeders from oranges. We hung them up in the tree hoping to attract different birds.
Polar Express and Christmas Jumper Day
Nativity - Shine Star, Shine
Christmas Decoration Day
As part of Christmas Decoration Day we have been making snowflakes with glitter. The children have worked so hard on these and made some beautiful designs.
Trip To Bridewell Museum
We went on a class trip to Bridewell Museum in Norwich to learn about Florence Nightingale. We made fanoos lanterns, got to see what a hospital looked like that Florence would have worked in and also took a look at items from that era. We had a fantastic time!
Making Christmas Cards
We have been busy making Christmas themed greeting cards.
Our Christmas Tree
Pictures of Magpies decorating our Christmas tree. Magpies used the words shiny, glistening and bright to describe our tree.
PTA Christmas Hamper
Thank you for all your kind donations for the Magpies PTA Christmas hamper. We have seen your kind donations for the other classes too. The hampers are going to look amazing. Good luck to everybody who purchases a ticket to win one of the hampers. Thank you to the PTA for organising this.
Odd Socks Day
To support anti bullying week we wore odd socks and made a kindness heart full of our hand prints.
Armistice Day
We have been learning about Armistice Day and why we remember it.
We have been busy making poppies out of clay, cardboard, wool and paint.
Pumpkin Chunking
Taking it in turns to see how far we can throw pumpkins. We had so much much!
Bonfire Pictures
Using paint to create bonfire pictures.
Happy Diwali
To celebrate Diwali we made some Diva Lamps.
Autumn Walk
Photographs from our Autumn walk around the school grounds.
Anatomy Of A Pumpkin
We looked at the anatomy of a pumpkin and used fine motor skills by using tweezers to remove the seeds from the pumpkin.
Making Apple Turnovers
Using our cooking tools safely to make Apple Turnovers.
Cutting fruit safely
We have been learning how to cut fruit safely. Once the children had cut the fruit they were able to eat what they had prepared.
Making Faces
Using objects to make faces as part of our PSED.
Children have been learning how to express their emotions. The children were asked what makes them happy. Some of their answers were friends, my little sister, football, cuddles and trains.
Small hands, BIG dreams
Our Classroom
Here are some photographs of our classroom.
First day in Magpies
Photographs of our first day in Magpies.