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Today,in art we have been making pop-up cards. We had a wonderful time , making different kinds of cards .

Science lesson, 1July 24.To recognise how to test different types of metals in a circuit to identify which is the best conductor.

Mr Gibbons, Came into school for an Art afternoon. We had a great afternoon.

Visit to Porters Farm in Feltwell.

On Friday the 7th June, we were very lucky to visit Porters Farm in Feltwell, Mr J Porter and his mother Mrs Porter ,kindly allowed us to look  around the farm to see how a farm works. Today we looked at the wheat fields ,machinery, land and much more .Jim one of the farmers hooked a big seating area trailer to his tractor and gave us a tour of the farm. On our journey we were able to see some old buildings and a run way, that was where into Feltwell/ Methwold Hythe, the Wafs   were based during the second world war. Maths is a very important part of farming. Lastly we had a lovely surprise Mrs Porter baked us all a beautiful vanilla traybake cake. Thank you to all involved. We had a wonderful morning.

Art afternoon, 20.05.24: treat because Doves Class won the Reading Miles Challenge!

Doves Class, won the Reading Miles Challenge.Our reward was an Art afternoon we did various activities, Planet pictures,Mosaics,Mono printing and painting pebbles. We had a great afternoon, thank you to Mr Gibbons( the Artist) for all his help and guidance ,also thank you to all our parent helpers. Thank you to Mrs Ablitt for organising everything. Thank you to Mrs Lillycrop for setting the challenge.smiley

13.05.24 science.different viscosities of liquids. Resources oil.lemonade, ketchup, honey ,ramps timer. .

Our focus was to see with the resources we had, what and how long it took for each item to move down the ramps. Each group had a stop watch and an item to test ,eg one group had vegetable oil,another honey, water on a carpeted ramp and tomato ketchup, was a very interesting lesson.

08.05.24 .Art We have have made more Greek pots. A clay pinch pot.

Guide Dog visit. 03.05.24

We were so lucky to have a special visitor today, A guide dog. we learnt so much about how important guide dogs are. Thank you. 

Art 30.04.24 To recognise the coil technique when using clay.

24.04.24 RE Hinduism.

24.04.24 Visitor, We were very lucky to have a lady visit our school today,  we learnt all about The Hindu religion.


Science experiment, separation, we did a variety of experiments. Fun was had by all.

26.03.24 Maths . Our focus today was to create a maths game with instructions .

Today we created a maths game , tomorrow we will be going down to key stage 1 to see if the games are a successs.

Red Nose Day 15.03.24

World book day.8.03.24.

Reading Cafe 1.03.24

Reading Cafe, Friday 01/03/24.We had an amazing time ,with Doves class , parents,carers.  friends and families. We enjoyed reading, making paper machete volcanoes ,Cardboard volcanoes .word searches,Atlas work, to finish the afternoon we did an experiment with our paper machete volcanoes . This involved various ingredients ,to make the volcano erupt. A great time was had by all.laugh

Science.Topic earth quakes and extreme weather.26-27 February 24.

27.02.24 Science , we have created our very own Volcanos ,using a wide range of materials newspaper, plastic bottles ,cardboard and glue . Paper machete. We hope to use bicarbonate of soda and vinegar , to preform an experiment. Watch this space.

Have a safe and happy half term .laugh

School Trip 12.02.24 Kings Lynn Museum.

We had a wonderful time today ,our focus was WW11 we learnt so many things, including food rationing, how to load a gun, mend and make do, and much much more. We were also able to look at many WW11 items helmets,books,gas masks and much much more.Thank you also to our parent helpers. Also to Mrs Abllit for organising it.


Mental Health Week,05.02.24 -09.02.24.Today to start the week off, we had an Assembly ,the theme being My voice matters.

We enjoyed a Mental Health lesson today, 7.02.24 ,we studied the pictures and had discussions on each one. We also put our thoughts down on post it notes for everyone to read.Thank you to Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Bale.

Crazy Hair Day.05.02.24 We will be having many discussions and activities this week. On Friday we are having a day where we can express ourselves with jazzing up our hair.

Crazy Hair Day.

Numbers day. 02.02.24

Numbers day, we are having a great day with different activities connected with our learning.We have designed a T-shirt , TTRS , Buddy’s challenge , Garden design and much much more.

DT 23.01.24. We are learning about Space and the Solar System.

During the next 2  weeks, we are creating Solar System mobiles .More pictures to follow of the completed  mobiles. We are using paper to create these.

WW11.15.01.24. Today we have made some WW11 planes. Using pegs and lolly sticks..

Today in our History lesson, we learnt how to make planes using lolly sticks and pegs .

12.01.24 Trip to theWellington.To learn about WW2.

Thank you to The Wellington for a wonderful morning. Thank you to everyone for supporting our school and children. This morning Doves class visited The Wellington in Feltwell. Our topic in History  this term is WW11, Therefore our visit to the Wellington  has given us a great insight into WW11  .We arrived at the Wellington at 9.30 am , we were met by both Mr Samuels , father and son. They both gave us a great introduction  into WW11, showing us fantastic paintings on the external walls of many images (see pictures above.) Shortly after this, we went into the Wellington building, here we split into 2 groups and both Mr Samuels gave a very informative and in depth talk on WW11 and how important RAF Feltwell had been and still is to this day to the war effort. During the morning we we fortunate enough to see  many arteifacts from the Wellington Bomber,also try on some pilot clothing. This will prove most valuable with our learning. Finally we had a written quiz to complete and refreshments,which were gratefully received . Thank you once again to the Wellington .Thank you also to all the other adult helpers. 

Art.we are experimenting with colours,warm and cold colours. 9.01.24.

P E Monday,08/01/24 Our focus today was firstly, warming up, next another warm up all kinds of beans.We then played a game called 1 to10..This involves catching and counting ,if you fail to catch the ball you must sit down.Lastly if you landed on number 1 and caught the ball then you change places with the person who was through in the ball.

Space, one of our topics this term is about Space and 🌍 Earth. Today we used coloured pastels to create these wonderful pictures.

Space .04.01.24

Welcome back to school,we hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Happy New Year to you all.

Mrs Ablitt and Mrs Carter, would like to wish you a happy and heathy holiday. We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.


Well done to all of these children ,who got various awards.

D T 19.12.23 Making Christmas Crackers.

D T 19.12.23. Our focus today was to make Christmas Crackers, First, we wrote a joke to go inside the cracker.Next we created a colourful sticker to place on the front of the cracker. After that we wrapped red crepe  paper around a cylinder tube . Finally we secured the ends with colourful pipe cleaners.

Science, To recognise and discuss Climate change/ Global warming and the impact it has on our world. We are designing a poster for this.

18.12.23 We are researching global warming, to help us with our posters.

PE -Maths.

Monday, 11.12.23. We had a P E  -Maths lesson ,where we did some exercises  to raise our heart rate. Next we all stood or sat still, to check our pulse/heart rate. After we had done this several times, we were able to combine all results on a Line graph.

Christmas Decoration day. 8.12.23

Autumn Term 2 - Curriculum letter

Autumn Term 1 - Curriculum letter

Science.20.11.23 To undertake a survey- identifying different mini beasts within our school environment.

We had a great afternoon ,searching for mini beasts ,our task was to identify features, characteristics ,habitat and environment. 

PE 20.11.23 Gymnastics. Look at us we are so flexible, we are having such fun.

Class Assembly 10.11.23 Anglo Saxons.

We had great fun showing our parents our class Assembly , We have been learning all about Anglo Saxons. We enjoyed  dressing up and we wore the brooches that we made on our visit to Norwich Castle. Thank you to our wonderful audience for making it a special event.

Today 8.11.23. Special visitor.

Today we have been very lucky to have an Amazon parrot to visit us. We are very grateful that one of our parents  brought her in to see us ,her name is Helly. Thank you so much for ringing her.

D T, 7th November, 2023.,

This term in D T, we are learning how to build bridges. First we designed our own bridges , we have started to build them using various materials. Once this is complete we will test our bridges to see if our designs have worked.

6th November 2023. Class trip to Norwich Castle.

We had an amazing day, we visited Norwich Castle to further our knowledge on the Anglo Saxons. We did various activities , looking at artefacts, trying on helmets etc. We listened to a fantastic story teller. We also met an Archaeologist .The last activity we made Anglo Saxon jewellery .

Thank you to all our parent helpers.   

Well we have reached half term , enjoy the break.

20.10.23 Our focus in English has been to write a non chronological report.Once finished we used our sewing skills to bind the pages together to make a small book.

Well done to all candidates for the school council, these are our year 5 councillors.

Music 03.10.23

Today in Music we are learning how to play the drums to the beat.

P E Pokemon Yoga 02.10.23

28.09.23 Maths ,we have been playing times tables bingo. Also a place value game.

We are learning about South America, can you spot our Toucans. 28.09.23 We enjoyed making them.

25.09.23 - Today we have been very active, in our P E lesson, we played one of our favourite games - cat and mouse.

P E 25.09.23


Music - we really enjoyed our music lesson today, we were listening to rock music, including artists Queen, Bonjovi and Status Quo. Today we are learning to play the glockenspiel to the song 'living on a prayer'.


In our art lesson today we have been looking at the artist Megan Coyle. She creates collages from magazine strips using a process called painting with paper. We have made our own rainforest pictures using this technique.

Art 19.09.23

Today we had our first Maths Cafe, our topic this term is South America. We are learning about the Amazon Rainforest. We did lots of activities including an escape room activity,Ttrs,addition,subtraction ,symmetry and shape. We would also like to thank everyone for coming .Was a very enjoyable afternoon.

Maths Cafe 18.09.23.

We are learning about South America, today 11.09.23  we have been learning how to recognise countries and key places linked with South America.






Welcome back  to school,we hope you all enjoyed your summer break. Mrs Ablitt and Mrs Carter look forward  to sharing the school year with you.laugh 
