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Attendance and lateness

Attendance 2024-2025

Our school's attendance target for September 4th 2024 to July 2025 is 97%.

Days off school.


For absence which is planned in advance an Absence Request Form must be completed; see below or pick one up from the blue folders in the school foyer. Full reasons for the absence should be provided on the form.

Where there are cases of exceptional circumstances e.g bereavement, the absence may be authorised at the Headteacher’s discretion.


Holidays are not authorised in term time, and therefore the child's attendance record will be marked as unauthorised during the period absence. We will have to request a Penalty Notice to be issued from the Norfolk County Council Attendance Officer if the holiday is long.


Routine appointments should be made out of school hours and in school holidays so the absence does not impact on your child's learning. For medical or dental appointments during school hours we might ask to see the original appointment letter or card prior to the absence and we might take a copy for our records. In these cases, the absence will be marked in the register as an 'M', an authorised absence. If we are not informed, or you do not provide an appointment letter or card if asked, the absence in most cases will be marked as unauthorised. Children are expected to be in school in the morning if the appointment is late morning or early afternoon, and return to school, where reasonable, after the appointment. For early morning appointments children are expected to return to school after the appointment.


If your child has been vomiting the rule for Norfolk County Council schools is to return to school 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting. Occasionally your child is sick just once and feels fine afterwards. In this case we would ask that they are kept away from school for 24 hours.



100% attendance

In school every morning and afternoon for registration. 0 learning days lost J


8 days absence per school year


The Government refers to this as persistent absence.

19 days absence per school year!


29 absence per school year!!


38 days absence per school year!!!



Covid (2025)


If you suspect that your child has Covid 19:

If they have tested positive, day zero is the day that they first had symptoms or tested positive if no symptoms. Stay away from school for day zero and 3 more days.

If they have not been tested, do not have a temperature and feel well enough they should come to school. If they have not been tested and have a temperature or feel unwell they should stay at home for up to day zero of symptoms and 3 days (returning to school before the end of that time if the temperature has gone/they feel better).


Late to school!


The school gates are open from 8.40 and the bell goes at 8.45am. It is important that children arrive in school on time every day for a number of reasons.

- It is the legal responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that children attend their registered school on time each day.

- If a child is late they miss important information about the day's activities.

- A child that is late will miss school work.

- Children that arrive in good time for registration are able to talk to their friends before school and settle into the school day with them.

- A child that is late disrupts staff and other children.


Lateness = lost learning in the school year L

5 minutes late each day = 3 days lost learning

10 minutes late each day = 6 and a half days

15 minutes late each day = 10 days 

30 minutes late each days = 19 days

(Days are school days calculated over a school year.)

Information about strategies schools should use to try to work with parents can be found here.
