Home Page


Welcome to Edmund de Moundeford Primary School.
A Good School, OFSTED 2013, 2017 and 2022.


It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our school website. The school brochure can be viewed from the link on the homepage.


For those parents who are considering sending your child(ren) to our school we appreciate that choosing the right school for your child is always a difficult decision and we hope that our website will help you to make the right decision. However, we are also very happy to show you around our school, at a time which suits you. If you would like to make an appointment please phone us on 01842 828334 or e mail us via We would also be happy to answer any questions or have a chat if you prefer.


For those parents who are already with us we hope that this website will provide you with everything that you need to know, from weekly newsletters to class letters, policies and diary dates.


Ethos and values

We are proud of our school, and we believe that it is a Good school. Our aim for all the children is to Soar to Success. 

We help each individual child to be the best that they can be. We want all our children to be happy, confident, resilient, independent learners who show team spirit and tolerance.
We value the partnership that we have with parents and strongly encourage Mums, Dads and carers to take an active role in our school. 
  • Teaching and learning is consistently of a Good standard.
  • Children’s books clearly show good progress.
  • Our curriculum is fun, exciting and relevant to prepare children for the type of skills that they might need in tomorrow’s future. 

We are equally delighted with the many other achievements that reflect the rich and varied provision we are able to offer at our school. We have gained netball, hockey, cross country, athletics and football trophies and our school won the National Key Stage 2 general knowledge finals, which over 1000 schools entered.


We traditionally offer a wide variety of after school clubs, most of which are free. These constantly change and have included multisports, computing, philosophy, lego, netball, cheerleading, archery, computing and gardening. These may decrease in number a bit once the Wraparound care starts, as space is limited.
We offer a wide range of facilities including an extensive field, our own indoor swimming pool and a Learning Resources Centre, complete with sixteen computers. The Trust also donated our outdoor classrooms, which are spacious covered garden areas attached to three classrooms.
Senior management


The senior management team consists of myself and Mrs Michelle Ablitt, my Deputy Headteacher. The SENDCO is Ms McDonnell (maternity cover).

Paper copies of information given on this website are available upon request.


We hope that you like our school. Feedback is always appreciated.
Mrs Julie Lillycrop
