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Reading books sent home.


Once the children have completed the phonics based Read, Write Inc books a to j they will start the Oxford Reading Tree reading scheme. They will typically start this at level 8. The levels go up to 20. Each level precisely increases in difficulty in terms of the vocabulary and the level of inference and deduction needed to understand it. There are some e books on this website if your child needs a change of book but we are not open, for example school holidays. You can filter the website by Read, Write Inc levels or Oxford reading Tree levels:

After reading Level 20 the children are on "beyond" readers, choosing their own books for pleasure.


We would still encourage the children on the Read, Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree books to read other books at home and in school for pleasure too. Please see the document below to see which level your child should be reading for their age. Reading at home helps to earn their class points towards treats....

Reading advice for parents, including how we teach Reading in our school

Further advice on Phonics and how it relates to books sent home

Reading Ethos at Edmund de Moundeford Primary School

Top Ten Tips for parents to support children to read

100 Books to read before you leave primary school
