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Help for children and young people
Call Childline on 0800 1111


Help for adults concerned about a child
Call us on 0808 800 5000



For supporter, donation and fundraising queries
Call us on 020 7825 2505

Watch this video about Lauren getting help from Childline.


Abuse can be anything someone else does to hurt you, or that leaves you feeling scared or upset. It can also be when your parent or carer isn’t looking after you. Abuse is never okay and is never your fault.

Being abused can happen to anyone. It’s not always easy to tell when it’s happening, especially if the person who’s abusing you is someone who loves you, or is someone you care about. If you’re worried, there are always ways to get support.


People like teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers and police officers will always listen and take you seriously. They have a duty to help you and keep you safe. And if you tell them what’s happening, they’ll want to help.

The person you tell might need to let someone else know what’s happening, but you can always ask about this. It’s also okay to tell them what you’d like to happen and keep asking questions about what’s going on.

It can feel hard to talk when it involves someone you love or who cares about you. Especially if they’re supporting you in other ways. Sometimes they might have told you that you won’t be listened to, or that you’ll get into trouble if you talk about it, but this isn’t true.


If you need help phone 0800 1111

It is free.

Or go to their website.
