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Edmund de Moundeford Trust

We have a strong link with the local community, including the Edmund de Moundeford Trust which has very generously donated many resources to us. The school is very grateful to the Trust for its support.  


In September 1980 the Trustees presented the school with a new indoor swimming pool and has since funded many improvements, for example helping by funding  science, art, technology and cookery areas in the school.   In 1996, a new library building was completed, which also has computers in that were paid for by the Trust. In 2011 they donated the lovely outdoor classrooms that can be seen from the road. Over the years the Trust has provided the school with books, computers, a photocopier, interactive white boards and data projectors for each classroom and other educational equipment.  They paid for some artificial turf to extend the playground, so that children can have a soft surface to play on in all weathers and for the refurbishment of the swimming pool changing rooms.


In 2017 they paid for the swimming pool floor to be repainted and for new handrails and steps into the pool.  Recently they have purchased Clevertouch screens for 4 classrooms to enable us to update our technology. We are extremely fortunate that they now make a regular donation to support the running of the swimming pool.


Thanks very much Edmund de Moundeford Trust!

